
Raahat Animal Rescue

Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)Reporting a Community Animal in Distress

Please note that our services are contingent upon our current circumstances and available resources. We kindly ask that you remain calm while seeking assistance or information.
Respectful behavior towards our volunteers is essential and non-negotiable. Disrespectful conduct, including intimidation or coercion, in person or over the phone, will not be accepted, regardless of any monetary support in IPD or OPD.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Rescue Hours 02:00 pm – 6:00 pm    Before and after the above time, the responsibility to bring the animal to the hospital, after receiving confirmation over msg, rests with the caller/community.
Coverage Area: 10 – 15 kms from Clock Tower, Dehradun
Reporting Time 10:00 am – 04:00 pmCalls received after 04:00 pm will be attended the next day.
Helpline Number: + 91 9997699474  Raahat Does Not Have Any Other Helpline Number/s.Do Not Report rescue on Email / Social Media
Admission Facility 10:00 am - 6:00 pm [Conditional]
Veterinarian Availability All working days
You may bring a sick/injured animal, between 10:00 am - 6:00 pm, after sharing a photo & video of the animal, for visual assessment, over whatsapp and receiving confirmation for admission.  For sterilization of a street cat/dog, message at our given number to know the process involved. 
NOTE:Raahat does not take responsibility for any animal, sick or otherwise, left outside the hospital gate/on our premises or not handed over to us officially, during our admission hours [10 am - 06 pm] as the animal may wander off without getting the much needed veterinary care. Please avoid doing that. 
Raahat is not a 24×7 Rescue Service.
Also do not request an immediate pick-up, within the given rescue hours, as the vehicle may be engaged in some other rescue or hospital related work.
If the animal needs emergency veterinary care, volunteer to take him/her to your nearest veterinarian / veterinary hospital / other animal shelter/NGO or bring the animal to Raahat, after receiving confirmation, using other means at your disposal.
Animals We Rescue
● Sick / injured community dogs. ● Community females dogs for sterilization● Cruelty victims
NOTE: The caller is requested / encouraged to bring puppy/cat/bird, after receiving confirmation of admission over phone/message, to Raahat as we focus on rescuing animals the caller may not be able to handle.   
Animals We Do Not ‘Rescue’
● Healthy puppies or a litter with the mother dog.    We pick up the mother dog for sterilization only once the puppies are at least 2 months old and capable of fending for themselves● Other Healthy Animals.    Our streets / colonies are the homes of stray animals, howsoever unfortunate it may be. They do not need to be ‘rescued’ from their ‘home’ but only from an ‘ailment’.● Dogs with minor skin ailment.    A skin disease can be easily dealt with oral medication on the site itself. You may consult our vet, or any other you may wish to, and provide the required oral & topical medication on-site.Dogs with canine distemperWe have over 100 dogs in our care at any given and cannot risk their getting exposed.You may, however, bring a distemper infected community dog, as an out-patient, and we will treat her/him at no-cost.● Large animals like cattle etc.    We do not have any vehicular facility for large animal rescue.
You may contact the District Veterinary Office @ 0135 – 2712572 for large animal rescue and Deptt. of Wildlife for wildlife rescue. 
Engaging the Community in Homeless Animal Rescue
How YOU Can Participate
We believe that animals that do not belong to anyone belong to all of us and therefore the responsibility for their well being lie with each one of us and not just with an/any NGO/s / Govt. Deptt.
● On receiving any rescue call and making the visual assessment, the first option is given to the caller to bring the animal to the hospital. It helps us save manpower & fuel cost and the time thus saved is invested in attending the 150+ animals in our full time care.● We do not support or encourage ‘armchair activism’ so, you need to stay involved and be with the animal till the time he/she can be rescued. Your role does not end at merely informing about the sick animal. Be on location for the rescue. Your presence will help us save time in searching for the animal.● Remember that YOUR involvement may very well be the difference between life & death.● Kindly report an injured/diseased animal as soon as you locate him/her so that he/she stands a better chance of recovery.● At the time of the rescue, you may consider contributing towards the fuel or the treatment cost and take a receipt for the same. Even if you are not availing the services of the organization / getting any sick animal rescued, please support the cause generously, in whatever way possible.● We try to make the best possible treatment available to the animal. Our In-house Vets personally supervise the treatment of each animal. We also consult/call in Vets, as and when required.However, it is the organization which reserves the right to consult / call other vets.Kindly refrain from interfering in our treatment procedures or ask for day to day progress of the patient/s in our care. We have a skeletal staff. So, increasing their work load can be avoided.● After treatment & recovery the animal is released in the same area. Prior to the release, a telephonic intimation will be given to you.Kindly keep an eye on the animal for a few days and ensure that he/she acclimatizes well.

Raahat Animal Hospital & Rescue Service does not receive any kind of financial or technical support from either the Department of Animal Husbandry or the Local Civic authority (Nagar Nigam) or any other Government Agency.
We depend entirely on private philanthropy and revenue generated from our private animal practice. 
We do not have the unlimited resources of a government agency at our disposal and work under immense financial and manpower constraints.
Therefore, Your Participation, as a responsible member of the community, is crucial.
It is only with YOUR SUPPORT that we can continue serving all animals.